Web Development Mentorship

A career switch is something that I went through myself and I am familiar with the difficulties of getting the first job in a new industry. As someone who self-studied web development and got a job with no prior experience, I thought that my approach could be helpful for Halyna as well.

I started working with Halyna in June 2022 and now she is already proficient with the following skillset: WordPress, HTML, advanced CSS and SASS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Git, GitHub, and more. She’s been learning very quickly and her portfolio of projects is growing very fast. Halyna has already started applying for technical jobs in the Web Development industry.

Project goal

My goal in this project is to help Halyna – my mentee – to learn all the skills needed for getting an entry-level job in the web development industry.


I started our mentorship journey by defining the goal: select target job positions and outline the required skills and experience for those. We narrowed down the area of web development, and our main focus was set on WordPress development.

Based on the selected skills, I prepared a study curriculum and provided Halyna with access to online courses and resources. I also prepared a list of the projects for each study segment.

We conduct weekly mentoring meetings, assess her progress, resolve questions and obstacles, and set a plan for the upcoming week.

It’s been a very interesting journey for me, as I learned more about web development and kept up with current trends. Later, I applied my mentoring experience in my new role as the captain of a technical support team.




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